2016年7月5日「モバイル英語学習」第374号(英語のエッセイ ): Trio to Rio

Estonia (国の名前)エストニア;
triplets 三つ子;
trio: 3 人組;
Rio: Rio de Janeiroの略です。ブラジルの大都市、2016オリンピック大会の開催地;
platinum blonde hair プラチナブロンド[銀白色]の髪

Three women from the country of Estonia (a small country south of Finland and west of Russia) will make history in the next Olympics. They will be the first triplets (three children born at the same time) to compete together in the Olympic Games. They call themselves the “Trio to Rio” and will be running in the marathon. They are identical triplets, which means that they look alike. They have the same blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. You can only tell them apart by their different hairstyles. Will they win a medal? Probably not. But they will enjoy the experience and do their best. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

(photo by http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/)