2016年6月30日「モバイル英語学習」第372号(英語のエッセイ ): A Huge Diamond

rough diamond ダイヤモンドの原石;
Crown Jewels 《英》 (戴冠式などの時々に国王[女王]が用いる王冠など王位の象徴の)宝器類;

How much does it cost to buy one of the world’s biggest diamonds? Lesedi la Rona is the name of a rough diamond that is the size of a tennis ball. It went on sale yesterday at an auction, but no one wanted to pay more than $61 million. The sellers didn’t want to sell it at that price, so it is still for sale. If you want it, you will probably have to pay more than $70 million! What happens to such a large diamond? The largest diamond ever found was the Cullinan. That was more than 100 years ago. The diamond was broken down into smaller diamonds for the Crown Jewels of the U.K. (by Prof.Douglas Jarrell)

(photo from http://www.bloomberg.com/)