caliph ハリファ;
Haroun-al-Raschid ハールーン・アッ=ラシード(アラビア語:هارون الرشيد Hārūn al-Rashīd, 763年3月17日 – 809年3月24日)は、アッバース朝第5代カリフ(在位:786年 – 809年) ;
feast (豪華な)宴会:
glitter ぴかぴか光る;
gem 宝石;
midst さなか、最中;
thy ((古))なんじの,あなたの;
verse (文学形式としての)韻文、(ある作家・時代・国などの)詩歌;
lofty 高尚な、高遠な:
humility 謙遜;
One day the caliph, Haroun-al-Raschid, made a great feast. The feast was held in the grandest room of the palace. The walls and ceiling glittered with gold and precious gems. The table was decorated with rare and beautiful plants and flowers.
All the noblest men of Persia and Arabia were there. Many wise men and poets and musicians had also been invited.
In the midst of the feast the caliph called upon the poet, Abul Atayah, and said, “Show us thy skill. Describe in verse this glad and glorious feast.”
The poet rose and began: “Live, O caliph and enjoy thyself in the shelter of thy lofty palace.”
“That is a good beginning,” said Raschid. “Let us hear the rest.” The poet went on: “May each morning bring thee some new joy. May each evening see that all thy wishes have been performed.”
“Good! good!” said the caliph, “Go on.” (to be continued)