2019年9月5日「モバイル英語学習」第623号(英語のエッセイ): A New Way to Get Around

sidewalk (舗装した)歩道、人道;
scooter (モーター)スクーター;

Most cities have buses and taxis, and some have subways. In that last 10 or 15 years, some cities have started renting bicycles. Now there is a new way to get around: electric scooters. A lot of people are using them in and around Washington, D.C. First, you have to go online and rent them. Then you use your cell phone WiFi to find the scooters. People ride them on sidewalks and in the street. They can travel up to 20 kms per hour. When users are finished, they just leave them on the sidewalk. The scooters look like fun, but I wonder if they are safe. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)