2024年5月10日「モバイル英語学習」第828号 (1分間英会話): A sample dialogue for receiving a gift

When you receive a gift, you can use the following expressions instead of just saying “Thank you!”

“Thank you so much! This is really thoughtful of you.”
“I love it! How did you know exactly what I needed?”
“This is wonderful, thank you! You really made my day.”
“Oh wow, I can’t believe you got this for me. Thank you!”
“This is perfect! Thank you for being so kind.”

Sample dialogue for receiving a gift:

“Emily: Hi, James! I have something for you.
James: Oh, what is it?
James: Wow, a book! Thank you so much, Emily!
Emily: You’re welcome! I know you love reading.
Emily: Do you like the book?
James: Yes, I love it! It looks really interesting.
James: I can’t wait to start reading it tonight.
Emily: I thought you might like that one. It’s by your favorite author.
Emily: I’m glad you’re happy!
James: I really appreciate it. You’re a great friend.”