2023年12月15日「モバイル英語学習」第810号 (美文麗句鑑賞): A winter morning

bleak (cold and unwelcoming) – 荒涼とした;
foggy (filled with thick mist or low clouds) – 霧の;
wheezing (breathing with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest) – 喘いで;
palpable (so intense as to seem almost tangible) – 明白な;
phantom (ghosts, or something that is seen, heard, or sensed, but is not physically present) – 幽霊;
flare (a sudden brief burst of bright flame or light) – 炎が急に明るく燃えること
ruddy (having a healthy red color, often used to describe someone’s complexion or the color of the sky at sunrise or sunset) – 赤みを帯びた
smear (to coat or mark something messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance) – 塗りつける、汚す;
Keyhole (the hole in a lock where the key is inserted) – 鍵穴;
withal (an archaic term meaning ‘in addition’, ‘moreover’, or ‘also’) – その上、また、さらに;

“It was a cold, bleak, biting weather: foggy withal: and he could hear the people in the court outside, go wheezing up and down, beating their hands upon their breasts, and stamping their feet upon the pavement stones to warm them. The city clocks had only just gone three, but it was quite dark already – it had not been light all day – and candles were flaring in the windows of the neighbouring offices, like ruddy smears upon the palpable brown air. The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole, and was so dense without, that although the court was of the narrowest, the houses opposite were mere phantoms.” (From “A Christmas Carol ” by Charles Dickens)
それは寒く、荒涼とした、噛み付くような天気でした。霧が濃く、彼は外の中庭で人々が上下に喘ぎながら歩くのを聞くことができました。彼らは自分の胸を叩き、舗装された石に足を踏み鳴らして温めていました。市の時計はちょうど3時を打ったばかりでしたが、すでにかなり暗くなっていました – 一日中明るくなかった – そして、隣接するオフィスの窓にはろうそくが燃えていて、実体のある茶色い空気に赤みがかったシミのように見えました。霧は隙間や鍵穴から流れ込み、外は非常に濃く、中庭がいかに狭くても、向かいの家は単なる幽霊のようでした.

2023年6月17日「モバイル英語学習」第787号 ( 美文麗句鑑賞): Birds were singing and bees were humming everywhere

iridescent /ìrədésnt/ にじ色の;
shimmer : きらめき,揺らめく光,微光.
luminous: /lúːmənəs/ 輝く; 明るい
mist /míst/もや、霧
aromatic /`ærəmˈæṭɪk芳香の、かんばしい
savor : (特有の)味、香り、風味
feathery /féð(ə)ri/ 羽毛のような; 軽い,ふわっとした.

“The June morning was wonderfully fair, and the world seemed to be filled with a delicate, iridescent shimmer, a kind of luminous mist that veiled the blossoms and the green things and the little hills away in the distance. Birds were singing and bees were humming everywhere; the air was full of a thousand aromatic savors, from the breath of the blossoms on the old orchard and the cool, delicious shadows under the maples in Lover’s Lane to the wild, remote fragrance of the feathery grasses in the field beyond the furthest pines.” (Chapter 28, “An Unfortunate Lily Maid”)

6月の朝は驚くほど美しく、世界は繊細な虹色の輝きに包まれ、花や緑、遠くの小丘を覆うような光の霧で満たされていました。鳥たちはさえずり、蜂たちはぶんぶんと音を立てながら飛び回っていました。空気は千の芳香で満ち溢れており、古い果樹園の花の息吹から、メープルの木が作り出す「恋人たちの小道」の涼やかで美味しい影まで、さまざまな香りが漂っていました。そして最も遠く、松の向こうの野原に広がる羽毛のような草の野生の、遠い香りまで感じられました。(Chapter 28, “不幸なリリーメイド”)