2022年2月4日「モバイル英語学習」第728号 (美文麗句鑑賞): Late Summer

pebble (水の作用で丸くなった、海浜・川床にある)小石;
boulder 《風雨・河水・氷河などの作用で丸くなった大石;
swiftly 迅速に;
powder 〈…に〉粉を振りかける:
stir (…で)かき回す、かき混ぜる;
In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves. (From Ernest Miller Hemingway’s “Last Summer”)


2019年9月30日「モバイル英語学習」第631(美文麗句鑑賞 ):秋の景色

mellow 熟している、芳醇(ほうじゅうん)な;
mist もや、霧;
amethyst 紫水晶色;
dew 露;
glisten (…で)きらきら輝く;
rustling leave さらさら音をする木の葉;
hollow うつろの、中空;

“It was October again … a glorious October, all red and gold, with mellow mornings when the valleys were filled with delicate mists as if the spirit of autumn had poured them in for the sun to drain — amethyst, pearl, silver, rose, and smoke-blue. The dews were so heavy that the fields glistened like cloth of silver and there were such heaps of rustling leaves in the hollows of many-stemmed woods to run crisply through.” (from 「Anne of Green Gables」 by L. M. Montgomery.)

また、素晴らしい10月になりました。どこを見ても赤、金色。芳醇が溢れる朝。谷には、優美で繊細な霧が満ち、まるで秋の精霊が、紫水晶色、銀色、バラ色、煙っぽい青い 色の霧を太陽に捧げているかのようです。。重たい露が野原いっぱいに降りかかり、銀の服のようにキラキラと輝いています。そして、積み重なった木の葉が樹洞で風が吹くたびにカサカサと音を立てます。