2019年11月14日「モバイル英語学習」第640(英語の豆知識): You’re in Paradise

Pennsylvania  (アメリカ)ペンシルベニア州;
Don’t I wish! そうなればいいと思っているんでしょ!

My wife was driving from Washington, D.C., to Pennsylvania to meet a friend. She got lost and decided to ask for directions. She stopped at a furniture store. When she asked the owner where she was, he said、”Paradise.” “Paradise” has the same meaning as “heaven.” My wife thought he was kidding and said, “Don’t I wish!” but the man looked at her seriously. “You are in Paradise. This is Paradise Furniture Store.” She looked out and checked the sign. He was right. She was in a city called “Paradise.” Actually, Pennsylvania has some of the most unusual city names of any state in the U.S. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

image from https://paradisefurniture.com/

2019年9月7日「モバイル英語学習」第624号(英語の豆知識): “I would rather be dead in ditch”

ギリス新首相Boris Johnson氏は9月5日、欧州連合(EU)からの離脱(Brexit)について、次のように言いました。“I’d rather be dead in a ditch (than ask for Brexitdelay.)” 離脱が延期するくらいなら「溝でのたれ死んだ方がましだ」
Would ratherは「~よりはむしろ」の意味で、よくthanと一緒に使います。最もよく使われるのはwould rather+動詞原形 than+動詞原形.
例文1: I would rather stay home than travel abroad. 旅行に行くよりむしろ家にいたい。
例文2: People would borrow rather than own books. 自分で本を持つより、人々はむしろ借りる。
would rather … than …の代わりに、would prefer toもよく使います。would rather の否定形は: would rather not になります、注意してください。
