2020年8月30日「モバイル英語学習」第670号 (英語ストーリー): Abraham Lincoln and the pig

in company with (人と)一緒に;
stuck (stickの過去形) 〔…の中に〕止まって動かない; はまり込む
mud ぬかるみ;
squeal 悲鳴をあげる;
comical こっけいな,おどけた;

One day as Abraham Lincoln was riding along a country road on horseback, in company with some friends, he saw a pig stuck fast in a deep place filled with mud, struggling to keep from going in deeper. The poor pig was squealing in terror, and the comical sight filled the friends with laughter and delight. After Lincoln had ridden on a little distance, he turned back his horse, saying, “Gentlemen, excuse me a few moments,” and rode back as fast as he could to the place where the poor creature was, got down from his horse, and drew the pig out of the mud. When he rejoined his companions they asked, “Why did you go back?” He told them what he had done, adding, “I couldn’t sleep well to-night, if I hadn’t done that thing.” (by William James Sly)

2020年8月12日「モバイル英語学習」第666号 (英語ストーリー): The Sack Garden

Meg 女性の名前;
sack 大袋;
dirt 泥;
been plant マメ科植物;
green pepper ピーマン;
eggplant ナス;
weed 雑草

Meg lives in South Africa. She has three kids. It is hard to feed her kids. Meg does not have land for a garden. Food costs a lot of money. But Meg has a very good way to grow food. She finds a big sack. She puts rocks in the middle of the sack. She fills the rest of the sack with dirt. She makes little holes in the side of the sack. She puts a tomato plant in one hole. She puts a bean plant in one hole. She puts a green pepper plant in one hole. She puts eggplant in the top of the sack. She waters the sack garden from the top. Her garden does not need much water. Her garden does not need much room. Her garden does not cost much money to make. Her garden does not have many weeds.
Now Meg can feed her kids! (by Shantel Ivits)