2017年1月12日「モバイル英語学習」第399号(英語のエッセイ ): Soccer Fans Get an Award

award 賞;
Portugal ポルトガル;

The Best FIFA Football Awards were held on January 9 in Switzerland. Cristiano Ronaldo was named the best male player for the fourth time. He had a great year. Both his pro team Real Madrid and his country team Portugal won championships in 2016. The best female player of the year was Carli Lloyd of the U.S. It was her second time. Although America didn’t win the Olympics, she had another great year. This time, even soccer fans were given an award. Great moments with fans were shown, and the fans of two teams, Dortmund (Germany) and Liverpool (England), won the award together.(by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)]

2016年12月5日「モバイル英語学習」第395号(英語のエッセイ ): She Flies Through the Air

Finnish フィンランド(人,語)の;
How do ski jumpers find the courage to jump off a hill and fly almost 100 meters wearing only a pair of skis? I’m sure that Takanashi Sara can answer that question. She is one of the greatest ski jumpers ever. Over the weekend, she jumped 98 meters to win her 46th World Cup at Lillehammer, Norway. She now has as many overall wins as Matti Nykanen, the great Finnish ski jumper of the 1980s. Now, the only question is: Can she can catch up with Gregor Schlierenzauer of Austria? He has the world record for the most World Cup wins: 53! (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

(photo from Japan Times)