2017年7月27日「モバイル英語学習」第415号(英語のエッセイ):Eels and Overfishing

overfishing 乱獲、濫獲;
Last night the hot weather made me think about eel-eating day. I checked and found out that it was on Tuesday this week. I missed it! I won’t be able to eat eel for another year! That’s a joke. I like eel a lot, but it’s expensive so I don’t eat it very often. These days, I don’t really feel like eating eel because there are fewer and fewer eels in the sea. If everyone keeps catching and eating them, there will be no more eels for our children and grandchildren. The same is true for many kinds of fish. I hope that the countries of the world can get together and stop overfishing. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2017年6月20日「モバイル英語学習」第413号(英語のエッセイ):How Many Islands?

Japan and Indonesia are both island countries, but how many islands are there in each country? There are four main islands in Japan, and Indonesia has at least five or six large islands. Then you can start counting the smaller islands such as Okinawa in Japan and Bali in Indonesia. These are no problem. Finally, there are the smallest islands. Japan has over 6,000 islands, and in 1996, Indonesia said that it had 17,508. The problem is that not all of them have names. Now, the Indonesian government is trying to give them names so that it is clear that they belong to Indonesia. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)