2017年2月20日「モバイル英語学習」第404号(英語のエッセイ):The Power of Nature

mandarin orange 温州ミカン;
bulbul ヒヨドリ;
weasel イタチ;
A friend of mine lives outside the city. Although his house is 20 minutes from the train station, I enjoy the walk to his house. There are little gardens here and there. At this time of year, the peach trees are starting to bloom. We can see mandarin oranges on the branches of other trees. I saw one tree full of birds. There must have been 50 bulbuls in that small tree. They were eating all the oranges! I kept walking along a path that followed a stream. Nature is not always kind to animals. I saw the body of a dead weasel floating down the stream. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2017年1月15日「モバイル英語学習」第400号(英語のエッセイ ): The First Snow


We had our first (and probably our last) snow of the year on Saturday and Sunday. I love snow. It makes me feel like a boy again. I just want to go outside and play in it. Unfortunately, this was not the right weekend for it to snow. I had to help with the Center Test at my university, so I had to stay inside all day long. The snow delayed some trains, and several people arrived late. Even though I couldn’t go outside during the day, I enjoyed walking to the university on Sunday morning. Everything looked beautiful covered in snow. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)