2016年8月18日「モバイル英語学習」第379号(英語のエッセイ ): Whale Watching

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The northeastern part of the U.S. is a great place to go whale watching. The whales go south to Florida in winter to have babies. Then, in summer, they come up north when the babies have some fat around their bodies. I went on a whale-watching tour near Portsmouth a few days ago. We took a boat with about 50 people and went more than 20 kilometers off the coast. We found three different kinds of whale, and we watched the babies and their mothers come up and dive. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)


2016年3 月18日「モバイル英語学習」第364 号(エッセイ ): An Ant Problem

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The cafe was very crowded, but there was a table for four that wasn’t occupied. I asked if I could sit there. The waitress said it was okay as long as I didn’t mind ants. When I asked her what she meant, she explained that ants were coming into the cafe and climbing up to the ceiling. The staff didn’t know what to do. When I sat at the table, I saw some ants going up the wall. I think the ants may come into the cafe because there are woods all around the place. Does anyone know how to get rid of ants? (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)