2015年6月22日「モバイル英語学習」第 300 号(エッセイ ): A Volcanic Country

erupt 噴火する;
rumble (低く)ゴロゴロ[ガラガラ,グーグー]鳴る;
dinosaur 恐竜;
T-Rex 一つ種類の肉食恐竜;

We hear a lot of news about eruptions these days. Mt. Ontake erupted last year. Nishinoshima, part of Tokyo, had an underwater volcanic eruption two years ago, and the island has grown 13 times bigger since then. Now they say that the Hakone area is dangerous. I remember the time I visited Sakurajima in Kagoshima Prefecture. It wasn’t erupting at that time, but I heard strange noises like the rumbling of the ground or the roaring of a dinosaur. I would not have been surprised if T-Rex were there. Anyway, Japan is a volcanic country, but for this reason, we can enjoy hot springs. (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2015年5月3日「モバイル英語学習」第 293号(エッセイ ): Stray Cats

stray 〈動物など〉迷い出た,道に迷った,はぐれた;
wander 動( 副(句)) (あてもなく)歩き回る,さまよう; 放浪[流浪]する;
bushes  低木,灌(かん)木;
wonder 不思議に思う,驚く;
used to 以前は…だった;
When I was leaving the parking lot of a university, I saw a cat wandering on campus. I stopped my car and tried to take a photo of her, but I couldn’t. As soon as she saw me, she ran into the bushes. As is usual with cats, she watched me from the bushes. I wondered why cats watch people after they run away. I could only see her eyes through the bushes. I hope the Daigaku Neko club will be able to take care of her. There used to be a lot of cats on campus about 10 years ago. Then this club started and found homes for many of the cats. (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)