
▽ 動物のクイズ:

2013年8月22日「モバイル英語学習]第195号(エッセイ): I Went to See a Puffin

puffin: [鳥]ツノメドリ;
beak: (鳥の)くちばし;
parrot: 【鳥】 オウム;
float: (水上に)浮く,浮かぶ;
dive: (頭を先に水中に)飛び込む;
propulsion: 推進(力);

New England, the northeastern part of the U.S., is a great place to go birdwatching. There are mountains, forests, rivers and lakes, and a long seashore. On Monday I went to see a puffin, sometimes referred to as the penguin of the north. It is a small black and white sea bird like the penguin, but it has a big orange beak like a parrot. Unlike penguins, puffins float on the sea and dive for fish using their wings for propulsion. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)