2011年11月29日「モバイル英語学習]第120号(エッセイ): Do You Want THE Haircut Sir?

innovative 革新的な;
identical 同一の,まったく同じ;
bob 短髪,ショートカット;
fringe 前髪;
swept (sweep)〈髪〉を整える,(後ろで)束ねる;

Since the Fukushima Dai-Ichi was destroyed in the earthquake the Japanese government has asked for people to cut their energy consumption. In response to this many companies have demonstrated how it is possible to save energy with some very innovative ideas. One such company is the Tokyo-based construction firm Maeda, a Japanese company which has ordered all of its 2,700 employees to get identical hairstyles. The corporation asked men to have “short back-and-sides“ and for women have a “cute” bob with a longer fringe that can be swept to one side. Many people may ask how could this save energy? Before reading on please think of a reason.
According to the company, if people have short hair they won’t need to use their hair driers for long! The company also believes that their employees will use less water too. (by Prof. Simon Smith)

2011年8月3日「モバイル英語学習」第111号(エッセイ): Beware of Strangers

pigeon 鳩;
commonplace ごく普通の,平凡な;
alongside ~のそばに;
feeder エサを与える人;
discriminate […を]区別する;
If you go to a park for a sandwich in the UK, particularly in London, there is a good chance that you will not be alone – you will probably be followed by a pigeon. According to estimates there are 28 million pigeons in Europe alone. Pigeons are commonplace these days in most capitals. One reason is that it is a safe habitat and there is a constant supply of food, all year-round. Pigeons are aware of this fact and so choose urban environments before rural ones. It seems that they are fast becoming comfortable living alongside humans. A recent study of pigeons also showed that pigeons select their feeders carefully and can quickly discriminate between a friendly person and a non-pigeon liker. (by Prof. Simon Smith)