2010年度11月5日「モバイル英語学習」第59号(エッセイ): Coal And Wood Burning

greenhouse gas グリーンハウスガス,温室(効果)ガス;
straightforward 簡単な,分かり易い;
the amount of carbon debt (地球温暖化)炭酸ガス排出量;
Have you ever heard that coal-burning power plants cause more greenhouse gases than any other kind of plant? A new, six-month study in Massachusetts found that wood-burning power plants may actually release more gases than coal-burning plants over time. The conclusion isn’t as straightforward as it might seem because the calculation is based on the amount of carbon removed by forests and the amount of carbon debt (the carbon put into the atmosphere when the trees are burned). In other words, because there are fewer trees to clean the air, burning trees can actually be worse than using coal. (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)

2010年7月26日「モバイル英語学習」第54号(エッセイ): Weather Extremes

be recorded 記録された
Antarctica 南極大陸
hailstone あられ
Have you ever been on the LiveScience Web site? They have all kinds of interesting information. For example, the highest temperature ever recorded was 136 degrees Fahrenheit (about 57.8 degrees Celsius) in Libya, and the lowest temperature was minus 128.5 degrees F (minus 89.2 degrees Celsius) in Antarctica. The heaviest hailstone, weighing 2.25 pounds, fell in Bangladesh. What do you think they would say about Shimane – one of the places with the most cloudy days? (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)