2024年11月16日「モバイル英語学習」第852号 (英語エッセイ): The 25 best places in the world to travel to in 2025

encyclopedia  – 百科事典;
explorer – 探検家;
UAE – アラブ首長国連邦;
gold leaf 金箔;

National Geographic started in 1888. It is an American magazine known for its authority and scientific quality. Like an encyclopedia, it shares articles on society, history, and culture. It is also famous for its high-quality photos, making it a great platform for photojournalists.

National Geographic has just revealed its list of the top 25 places to visit in 2025. The list was chosen by its explorers, photographers, and editors. Some of the top places are Kanazawa, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand; the Eastern and Oriental Express train in Malaysia; and Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Kanazawa was chosen as an alternative to Kyoto, which is crowded with tourists. Kanazawa is just two hours from Kyoto by train. It has a well-preserved castle, traditional teahouses, Kenroku-en Garden, and a samurai district. Kanazawa also makes 99% of Japan’s gold leaf. Visitors can try making gold leaf decorations at workshops like Gold Leaf Sakuda.

2024年11月2日「モバイル英語学習」第850号 (英語エッセイ): The Airport That Never Loses Luggage: 30 Years of Perfect Baggage Handling!

luggage – 荷物、旅行用のかばん;
fragile – 壊れやすい、取り扱い注意;
baggage – 手荷物、旅行に持っていく物;
procedure – 手順、進め方;

Kansai International Airport, serving Osaka and Kyoto, says it has never lost any luggage in 30 years. The staff follow simple steps without special training and handle over 3,000 items every day with care. Bags are ready for passengers within 15 minutes of arrival. Fragile items, like strollers and surfboards, are handed directly to travelers to avoid damage. In April, Kansai Airport won an award from SKYTRAX for being the best in the world at baggage delivery. The staff are very proud of this. Since there are not many connecting passengers, it is easier to keep their perfect record. Technology has also helped reduce lost bags around the world. The airport is preparing for the Osaka Expo 2025 and plans to handle up to 40 million passengers a year, while keeping every bag safe.