2024年3月20日「モバイル英語学習」第823 号(英語のエッセイ): Overtourism in Japan

vandalism 芸術の故意の破壊(行為)、暴力行為;
strain (心身の)緊張,力み;

Overtourism in Tokyo and other big Japanese cities has become a big problem, especially after COVID-19. Places like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka are now very crowded. This has led to issues like vandalism and disrespectful behavior from tourists​​. The overcrowding is putting a strain on the city services and making life harder for locals.

To fix this, Japan is promoting less-visited areas to spread out the tourists. They are investing in better infrastructure and making rules to protect important cultural sites​. For example, Kyoto has limited access to some residential areas and sacred places to cut down on disruptions​​. Local communities are now more involved in managing tourism to make sure it helps both the economy and the people living there​ .

These efforts aim to balance the good economic effects of tourism with practices that are sustainable. By doing this, Japan hopes to lessen the bad impacts of overtourism and build a stronger, more resilient tourism industry that benefits everyone in the long run.

2023年11月25日「モバイル英語学習」第807号 (英語エッセイ): Invasive Alien Species

invasive alien species 侵略的外来種;
address: 対処する、話しかける;
fire ant アカヒアリ;
The Group of Seven (G7) countries are addressing the challenge of invasive alien species. These are plants or animals that end up in places they’re not native to, causing harm to local ecosystems. The G7 plans to share data and collaborate with businesses to control these species. The issue is growing with increased global movement and trade. The target is to reduce this problem by half by 2030, with Japan leading the effort.

In Japan, one of the dangerous invasive species is the fire ant. These ants can hurt people and animals with their sting and disrupt local wildlife and ecosystems. Japan’s focus on controlling these ants and other invasive species is a key part of their environmental protection efforts.