2016年7月22日「モバイル英語学習」第376号(英語のエッセイ ): Morning Service

worship 崇拝、礼拝;
conduct 行う
There are many Japanese expressions from English, but the meanings are different in the two languages. One example is “morning service.” In Japan, when you go to a cafe and order a cup of coffee or tea, something like a slice of toast and a boiled egg comes with the drink. In English, however, morning service means a worship service at a church. I saw a menu which said “morning service” in English, but I think it should be “breakfast special.” If English speakers see “morning service” on the menu, they might think that church services are conducted in the coffee shop! (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2016年1 月 25日「モバイル英語学習」第358号( エッセイ): Something Good to Eat

mud pie 泥まんじゅう;
whipped cream 泡立てクリーム;
clam chowder ハマグリ入りのチャウダー

Nagoya is known for its chicken and miso dishes. Kyoto is known for its tofu. In Japan, each region has its own special food. What about in the U.S.? Each state is known for something, too. Alabama is known for fried green tomatoes. Illinois is known for Chicago-style pizza. Maine has fresh lobster. If you like chocolate, Mississippi has great mud pie (chocolate pie with whipped cream). Nebraska is one of the best places to eat steak. Virginia is the home of ham, and Wisconsin is known for its cheese. Boston, Massachusetts, is known for its clam chowder. Wherever you go, there is something good to eat. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)