2013年12月30日「モバイル英語学習」第218号(エッセイ ): New Year’s Cleaning

line up 列に並ぶ;
barbershop 床屋;
public bath 銭湯;
the Red and White Year-end Song Festival 紅白歌会戦;

It’s almost the end of the year, and in Japan, everyone is cleaning. Workers are cleaning their offices. People are cleaning their houses and washing their windows. Drivers line up at gas stations for a car wash. Men are going to the barbershops to get a haircut. My wife tells me that when she was a child, she used to run to the public bath after watching the Red and White Year-end Song Festival on TV on New Year’s Eve for the last bath of the year. Cleaning is such a big part of the Japanese new year. (by Professor Douglas Jarrell)

2013年12月21日「モバイル英語学習」第216号(エッセイ ): Christmas Signs

decoration 飾り;
poinsettia【植】 ポインセチア 《上部の葉は燃えるような真紅色でクリスマスの装飾に用いる》;

There are signs of Christmas everywhere here in Japan. When you go into a store, they are playing Christmas songs, and there are Christmas trees and decorations. You can see the poinsettia, a Christmas plant with beautiful red leaves on top. One of the big differences between Japan and Christian countries is that Christmas is a holiday in those countries. In the U.S., for example, most people have at least half a day off on Christmas Eve and a full day off on Christmas Day.(by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)