2013年10月17日「モバイル英語学習」第207号(エッセイ ): The Best Memory In This Summer

nursery 保育園,託児所;
affable 〈人が〉話しやすい,親しみのもてる;
pop in ひょいと入る;
Last year, I had an opportunity to work in a nursery in England. I had been there about 3 months and I had an absolutely wonderful time. All the children were so sweet and affable. This summer holiday, I went back to England to see my friends. I wondered if I could pop in to the nursery but it had been a while since I left. I didn’t think the children remembered me. One day, in a supermarket, a little boy came around and shouted “Annie!” That is what I was called in the nursery. I was very surprised that he still remembered me. How lovely! (written by student Miss Ayana Ito, Nagoya Women’s University; edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2013年9月3日「モバイル英語学習]第198号(エッセイ): Different Way of Counting Ages

interpreter: 通訳;
When I was in Korea a week ago, I was practicing my Korean and asked a boy how old he was. According to my information, he was 16, so I was surprised when he said that he was 17. Then I asked him when Korean children started elementary school, and he said that they started at the age of 8. I was completely confused. I gave up and asked the interpreter. She told me that Koreans use a different way of counting birthdays. You are 1 year old when you are born, and you turn 2 at the Korean New Year. By the way, China has the same way of counting ages as Korea. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)