2013年6月16日「モバイル英語学習」第180号(エッセイ): Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day. Did you know that Father’s Day became a tradition much later than Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day became official in the U.S. in 1914, but Father’s Day didn’t become official until 1966. Now Father’s Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries around the world. In most countries, it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Do you celebrate it? Did you get a present for your father? If so, what did you give him? Please leave a message and let us know.(by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2012年7月25日「モバイル英語学習]第169号(エッセイ): Exam Trouble

Notes :
pupil 生徒;
prepare~for… ~に…の覚悟をさせる,装備をさせる;
occasionally : 時折(sometimesより低い頻度を示す);;
administrator: 管理者,担当者;
grade:  成績,評価;
Some students in Australia were shocked after spending a year studying the wrong book  for an English exam. Eight pupils from a school in Melbourne got a big surprise when they opened the exam paper to find that the book they had studied- Julia Leigh’s The Hunter –  did not appear at all on the paper. It seems that the school had read the wrong syllabus and prepared the students for an old exam. A spokesman from the test said: “It does happen occasionally that schools teach the wrong text to their students.” For the exam, literature students had to write two essays – one each for their studied novel and play. Administrators of the exam said that they would receive a fair grade for what they have done. (by Prof. Simon Smith)

▼ エッセイの動画はこちら: