2012年2月2日「モバイル英語学習」第140号(エッセイ): Chinatown

I went to Chinatown on a weekend. Chinatown is popular with tourists from other countries who get the chance to eat Chinese as well as Japanese food. By going to Chinatown, I also found out more about Chinese culture by looking at the clothes and fashion and also by observing their language and ways of communicating with each other. I had a nice weekend!
(written by student T, edited by Prof. Simon Smith)

2012年1月16日「モバイル英語学習]第134号(エッセイ): Otoshidama

rice cakes お餅;
Happy New Year!
By the way, did you receive or give any “otoshidama”? In Japan, we have a custom where adults give children money called “otoshidama” on New Year’s day. Unlike today, in the past we believed that everyone got a year older on New Year’s Day as opposed to on one’s own birthday. This was called “kazoe-doshi”. We offered rice cakes to God for our good health for the coming year. Originally “otoshidama” meant sharing rice cakes together rather than giving money. I rather think that it is a good idea because I like rice cakes. But you have to be careful not to eat too many rice cakes because they are a very high-calorie food!
(written by student Miss Ikeda, edited  by Prof. Simon Smith)