2011年12月23日「モバイル英語学習」第127号: International Party

consist of: 構成される(~から成る);
spectator: (スポーツ・ショーなどの)見物人,観客;
costume: 服装;
moreover: さらに;
Shimadai held an International Party in he University Hall on the 10th of December. The party consisted of two events, a meeting and a party. I took part as a performer at the meeting, but because I felt very tense, I didn’t sing as well as I would have liked. As a spectator, though, I heard some great Japanese traditional music and saw some foreign traditional costumes (there was also a fashion show). Afterwards, we went to a dining room and had a buffet-style party which was a good opportunity to talk with Japanese and other foreigners, making new friends and having lots of fun. Moreover, it was totally free so if you missed it, make sure that you participate next year.
(written by student Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung, edited by Prof. Simon Smith)

2011年6月28日「モバイル英語学習」第101号(英語エッセイ-音声付け!): Love It or Hate It

Notes :
equivalent: 同等のもの,相当物;
Marmite: 《商標》マーマイト(英国製の、イーストと野菜エキスのペースト;パンに塗ったり調味料にする);
nutritious: 栄養のある,健康に良い;
bring up: ~を育てる;
extract: 抽出した物、エキス;
Perhaps the least well-known of Japanese foods is natto. Everyone has heard of sushi, tempura, and wasabi but very few have heard of natto. This is probably for a very good reason: it tastes…well, it’s hard to describe. It is a food that many would describe as a “love it or hate it food”. Oddly enough, there is perhaps a foreign equivalent, a food that some people really love and others can’t stand. It is called Marmite. Like natto, Marmite is known for its very distinctive taste which can be described having a strong, slightly salty flavour. Like natto it is also very nutritious and many children in the UK are brought up on it. It contains yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract and vitamins: B1, B2. (by Prof. Simon Smith)