2011年6月6日「モバイル英語学習」第95号(エッセイ): Conbi Culture

expansion 拡張,拡大;
dominate: ~を支配する;
standard 基準,水準;
utility bill ガス電気水道代;
win over 勝利を得る;

Four big Japanese convenience store companies are planning expansion into China. Even though China has its own convenience stores, such as Kedi, there is no one real dominating brand name that the Chinese can identify with. This is partly because China has many local and privately run stores already. In China, big convenience stores are seen as fashionable and also linked to better standards of service over the small local shops. Other benefits include the ability to pay utility bills and make payments with electronic cards. All these factors appear to be winning over the market in China. (by Prof.Simon Smith)

2011年5月20日「モバイル英語学習」第90号(エッセイ): Elections

pet peeve とりわけしゃくに障ること[物];
detest …を憎む,ひどく嫌う;
obtrusive 押し付けがましい、しゃばる;
grab …を不意につかむ,ひっつかむ;
Hear, hear!その通りだ,同感だ,賛成 (議会や会議で発言に対する同意を表す);
If I were asked about my pet peeve of Japan I would probably have to admit that I detest the election period. This is a time when all the political campaigners drive around the neighbourhoods shouting their name and thanks. For me it is unnecessary and obtrusive. If I want to know their names I can check them out on the Internet rather than having 100 decibels thrown into my living room.
So I was pleased to hear that during the 2011 election a British man was arrested for grabbing a microphone from a politician at a train station and yelling about how Japanese elections are loud and annoying. Hear, hear!! (by Prof. Simon Smith )