2010年度11月8日「モバイル英語学習」第60号(エッセイ):On My Soap Box I

efficient 能率的である,効率が良い;
return ticket (英)往復キップ(アメリカ英語では「round trip ticket」);
less hassle 問題が少ない;
There are many cultural differences between England and Japan, and as a foreigner living abroad I cannot but help make comparisons. Without a doubt Japanese trains and buses are much more efficient than England’s. There is, however, one big difference – the ability to buy a return ticket. Whilst it is possible to buy a return ticket on the Shinkansen, it is impossible for most other forms of transport. In the UK, for example, one can get a single ticket from my home town Orpington to London for £5 pounds or a return for £5.40! The benefits of a return ticket are obvious – it is both cheaper, and less hassle. This is good for the customer and encourages more people to travel on public transport. (by Prof. Simon Smith)

2010年7月30日「モバイル英語学習」第55号(エッセイ):The Number Three

The number three has a lot of importance in English. Here are some further examples of the power of three and ways to use it.
The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair once famously said in a political speech:”Education, education, education”. Why do you think he repeated it three times? Well, even 10 years since he said those three words they are often repeated in the media. Similarly, everyone remembers an older quote “Government of the people, by the people, for the people” by Abraham Lincoln.
So if you want to be a great public speaker remember to repeat it three times! But before you make a speech remember to practise, practise, practise. (by Prof. Simon Smith )
