
Whenever I get the chance, I love to see festivals. Japan is full of great festivals and I would strongly recommend seeing some of them such as the Snow Festival in Sapporo, the Nebuta Festival in Aomori, the Gion Festival in Kyoto or the Yosakoi Festival in Kochi. All are really unique and interesting. But there is one festival I would really like to see overseas which is the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is usually held in February or March which is the perfect time for students to go, but for people who work like me it is difficult to take time off. But maybe this year I will be brave enough to ask my boss for a long holiday in February.(by Prof. Wendy Tada)

2009年12月16日「モバイル英語学習」第11号(エッセイ):A Bigger Society!

overweight 太りすぎ
bad eating habits 悪い食習慣
Weight gain is becoming a major problem throughout modern society. At least 60% of America’s adult population is now considered overweight. Unfortunately this percentage has only increased over the last four decades. Other countries like Australia and England are also heading in the same direction. Why? The main reasons seem to be a lack of exercise, bad eating habits, stress and overeating. Although overeating is a major cause of health problems, under eating, which refers to not eating enough, could also shorten your life! So balance really is important!  (by Prof. Wendy Tada)