2009年12月2日「モバイル英語学習」第5号(エッセイ):Moving Out to Go to University

Note: university dormitory 大学の寮[寄宿舎]
In Australia, many students who go to university must often leave their home and hometown. Usually they have the choice of either staying in the university dormitory or finding their own apartment and in some cases they may share with a friend or stranger. In Australia most students choose to live with a friend to keep expenses down which often works out really well. When I was a university student, I lived with a Japanese girl for three years. I originally met her at a language club at my university. If you ever have the chance to live overseas for more than a year I would strongly recommend sharing with someone because it is the best way to learn about another culture and you’ll learn to become more independent, too. (by Prof. Wendy Tada)

2009年11月30日「モバイル英語学習」第4号(エッセイ ): Black Friday

Black Friday 魔[不吉な]の金曜日;
loss leaders 目玉商品[特売品]

There’s a saying, “Christmas comes but once a year,” but when does the season start? In some American stores, the first few Christmas things are being sold as early as July, although most stores don’t start selling Christmas things until after Halloween. The day after Thanksgiving, which is the fourth Thursday in November, is traditionally considered the first official shopping day of the Christmas season. It’s called Black Friday, and although it is not an official holiday, many companies are closed so their employees can have a four-day weekend. On this day, many stores open extremely early, sometimes even at midnight! But the stores don’t just open early; they also have huge discounts and advertise items that are “loss leaders,” things that the store loses money on because the store believes they can make more money that way. “Christmas comes but once a year,” but it might be more accurate to say, “shopping never ends.” (by Prof. Lieske Carmella)