2018年3月7日「モバイル英語学習」第444号(英語のエッセイ): A Tour Guide’s Story (Part 1)

Cassiopeia JR東日本の寝台列車;
luxury 豪華;
There was a tour guide who loved trains. He was very happy a few years ago when he had a chance to take a group on the Cassiopeia, an overnight luxury train from Sapporo to Tokyo. The train made a stop in the middle of the night, probably to take on food and drinks. Because it was so late, the train doors opened quietly. The tour guide got off wearing just a sweat shirt and sweat pants and brought his cell phone with him. He went to the front of the train and took a picture. Just then, the doors closed and the train started to move. (Read Part 2 in No. 445. By Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2018年3月1日「モバイル英語学習」第443号(英語のエッセイ): Digital Detox Bootcamp

detox アルコール、薬物依存を治療する;
bootcamp 新兵訓練所;
veteran ベテラン;
In Australia, just like in Japan, teenagers have smartphones and are always connected to the Internet. Unfortunately, some of them spend too much time online and cannot make friends. Now there is a nine-day digital detox bootcamp where parents can send their teenagers to get them away from technology. Veterans run the camp. They get the teenagers to exercise, and they take them on adventure activities like sky-diving and hiking. The veterans believe that if the teenagers learn teamwork and feel better about themselves, they can control their use of technology. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)