2023年5月1日「モバイル英語学習」第781号 ( 英語のエッセイ ): Do plants sleep at night?

nyctinasty /ˈnɪktɪˌnæstɪ/: 夜間反応現象
clover: クローバー;
droop うなだれる;
dandelions /ˈdændɪlaɪənz/: タンポポ;
red clover: 赤色のクローバー;
water lily: スイレン;
petals: 花びら;
feather duster; 羽毛のほうき;
resemble (…に)似ている;

Some plants sleep at night. During the day, their leaves stand up straight, but at night they droop down as if they are sleeping. This is called nyctinasty, and it happens because of changes in light and temperature. Clover and dandelions are some plants that sleep. Scientists don’t know why plants sleep, but they think it helps them save energy and protect themselves from bad weather.

Now, let’s take a look at some plants that sleep. Red clover’s three small leaves close at night to indicate it’s “sleeping”. Water lilies open up when the sun comes out but close their petals when the sun sets, signaling that they’re going to “sleep”. When dandelions sleep, their petals stand upright, resembling a yellow feather duster from far away.

2023年4月22日「モバイル英語学習」第780号 ( 英語の豆知識 ): I will do my best!

「全力を尽くします!」「頑張ります!」というのは、英語で “I will do my best.” と表現されますね。 “I will do my best.” と何度も繰り返すと退屈になりますので、以下の表現も試してみてください。
1. I’ll give it my all.
2. I’ll do everything in my power.
3. I’ll put forth my utmost effort.
4. I’ll make every effort to succeed.
5. I’ll go above and beyond to accomplish this.
6. I’ll leave no stone unturned!