2021年2月10日「モバイル英語学習」第686号 (英語のエッセイ): What a Pain!

James Bond  ジェームズ・ボンドは、イギリスの作家イアン・フレミング(1908年 – 1964年)のスパイ小説、およびこれを原作とするメディア・フランチャイズである;
What a pain!  面倒だなあ!
When Apple came out with the iPhone X, I was excited. This cell phone could learn to recognize the face of the owner and unlock itself. It was like something out of a James Bond movie! When I bought the phone, I really enjoyed the new technology, but now I’m not so happy. It no longer recognizes me because I wear a mask every day. My old phone was better. I could put my finger on the home button, and it would unlock. Now I have to input my passcode every time. What a pain! (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2021年1月28日「モバイル英語学習」第685号 (英語のエッセイ): Have A Snack before You Go to A Supermarket

ravenous がつがつ食う;
bunch (花・かぎなどの)束;
aisle 側廊、通路;

Research conducted at Cornell University in New York showed that people who had not eaten before going shopping bought more food than those who were not hungry. Food you buy when you are ravenous will usually be high in calories, unhealthy, and expensive—you are more likely to buy a bag of cookies than a bunch of spinach, for example. So, do yourself a favor and have a snack before you hit the supermarket aisles. (by Tania Pattison)