2021年1月4日「モバイル英語学習」第682号 (英語のエッセイ): The Same as Usual?

shrine 神社;
New Year’s money お年玉;
rice-cake making event 餅つき大会

Happy New Year! I hope everyone was able to get some rest and recharge their batteries Was this New Year the same as usual? Some things were the same for me: I went to see the first sunrise and visited a shrine with my family. We had traditional New Year’s food. I sent about 20 New Year’s cards and got back almost the same number. I gave my granddaughter New Year’s money when she visited us on New Year’s Day. But there were no rice-cake making events or countdown parties. We stayed at home alone almost every day. I’m hoping for a better 2021 and an end to the pandemic. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2020年12月24日「モバイル英語学習」第681号 (英語のエッセイ): What if Santa Gets the Coronavirus?

all eyes and ears 全集中力を注ぐこと;
be vaccinated 予防接種を受けた

On an afternoon train, I heard a small boy ask his mother. “What if Santa Claus gets the coronavirus? I won’t be able to get a present, will I?” The passengers around them were all eyes and ears. They waited for his mother’s answer. She told her son, “Don’t worry, dear. Santa Claus has been already vaccinated!” That’s good to know. All the passengers listening to the conversation looked very happy. The origin of Christmas was to hear good news. I hope that next year’s Christmas will be full of good news! (by a Jaremaga reader)