2024年8月10日「モバイル英語学習」第838号 (英語のエッセイ): Safety Guide for Your Summer Vacation

Lifeguard ライフガード;
unfamiliar waters 知らない水域;
drown 溺れる;
cramp 痙攣 けいれん;

Summer vacation 2024 will start soon! Enjoy your holidays but keep these safety tips in mind.

With the hot weather, swimming and playing by rivers are popular activities, but they can be risky. Swim only where there are lifeguards or safety facilities, and never swim alone or without permission. Avoid unfamiliar waters and get professional help if someone is drowning. If you feel unwell or get cramps while swimming, get out of the water and call for help.

When traveling abroad, you should research the destination, stay connected with family, and secure important documents. Manage your money carefully, stay safe, and respect local customs. Also, remember to purchase travel insurance and know emergency contacts.

Always follow traffic rules and drive responsibly. Be polite on public transport by offering seats and keeping noise levels low.

Enjoy your summer vacation safely!

2024年7月20日「モバイル英語学習」第836号 (英語のエッセイ): Amazon’s 30th birthday

used items 中古品;
loyalty 公約・義務などへの)誠実,忠実;

Amazon was started by Jeff Bezos 30 years ago. It began as a small online bookstore but has now become a giant company that sells almost everything. Amazon is important in many people’s lives, offering a wide range of products and fast delivery.

In Japan, Amazon is very popular, competing with big local companies like Rakuten. Rakuten is famous for its loyalty program and many services. Other important Japanese online stores are Yahoo! Shopping Japan, which offers a marketplace for different sellers, and Zozo, which specializes in fashion. Mercari is another favorite, known for buying and selling used items.

Big online stores like Amazon and Rakuten will keep growing by using new technology, entering new countries, and offering more services. However, they will also face problems like stricter rules, new competitors, and the need to be more eco-friendly. How well they handle these issues will decide their future success.