2015年5月18日「モバイル英語学習」第 295 号(TOEIC講座 ): 名詞のクイズ

Choose the correct form of the noun to fill in the blank:
1.”The _____ of the meeting is to discuss the new project.”
a) purpose
b) purposing
c) purposeness
d) purposely
Answer: a) purpose

2.”The team worked together to overcome _____ in the project.”
a) obstacle
b) object
c) objection
d) objectivity
Answer: a) obstacle

3. “Peter is known for his _____ in the field of finance.”
a) knowledge
b) knowledgably
c) knowledgeable
d) knownledge
Answer: c) knowledgeable

2015年1月26日「モバイル英語学習」第 280号(TOEIC講座): 代名詞クイズ

代名詞とは、名詞の代わりをするものです。代名詞は人称代名詞(he, she, itなど)、関係代名詞(which, whereなど)、再帰代名詞(myself、itselfなど) 指示代名詞(this, thatなど)、不定代名詞(none, someoneなど) 疑問代名詞(which, whose…)など6種類があります。それぞれ種類の代名詞はそれぞれの使い方がありますので、たくさんの練習を通して、身に着けてください。
▼Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:
1) “I gave the book to Jane and _____.”
a) me
b) myself
c) I
d) she
Answer: d) she

2) “Everyone in the class had finished _____ work, but _____ still had a lot left to do.”
a) their, they
b) their, he or she
c) his or her, they
d) his or her, he or she
Answer: d) his or her, he or she

3)”The manager gave _____ team a bonus for _____ hard work.”
a) his, their
b) his or her, their
c) their, his or her
d) their, their
Answer: c) their, his or her