2010年10月27日「モバイル英語学習」第57号(エッセイ):CPR on Pets

CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺停止の蘇生救急、<心拍停止後の>心肺機能蘇生;
the Veterinary Information Network 動物情報ネットワーク;
Do you have a pet? How far would you go to save it? A woman in Santa Cruz, California, used CPR (the technique of doing chest compressions and breathing into the nose) to save her Italian greyhound’s life after she found the dog hanging out of the window of a car. The dog, it seems, was attached to a leash to keep it in the car, but somehow the dog had gotten out of the window. The woman was lucky because the Veterinary Information Network said CPR is often not successful on pets. (by Prof. Carmella Lieske )