2011年1月28「モバイル英語学習」第87号(エッセイ):Egg House in China

mobile: 可動式の;
sack: (穀物・小麦・石炭などを入れる粗布の)大袋;
seed: 種;
Look on the Internet and see if you can find the picture of a man in Beijing who built a mobile egg-shaped house. It’s powered by the sun with solar panels on the egg. It’s made of bamboo, wood, sack bags, and grass seed. The owner hopes the seed will grow in the spring. It cost about $1000 to build, but it’s not very big. Inside he has a bed, some small furniture, and lights. He can open the side to clean it. Many people would find the space entirely too small. Still, it gives us new ideas for how we may be able to live more eco-friendly in the future. (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)