2020年8月17日「モバイル英語学習」第668号 (英語のエッセイ): GM Food

GM food: genetically modified food, 遺伝子組換え食品;
butterfly チョウ;

What is GM food? All living things have DNA. DNA tells living things how to grow. These days, people can change the DNA that tells food how to grow. When people change the DNA of food, it is called GM food.
Some GM food can grow in cold weather. GM food can stop bugs from eating it. GM fruits and vegetables can stay good longer. One day, GM food may be able to grow in dry land in Africa. It will feed people who do not have much food.
But there is a lot we do not know about GM food. Does GM food kill bugs we need, like butterflies? Does GM food make birds sick? Does GM food make people sick? We do not know. There have not been many tests on GM food. (by Shantel Ivits)