2024年1月20日「モバイル英語学習」第816号 (英語エッセイ): How to manage your time more effectively


approaching: 接近している;
confusion: 混乱;
gradually: 徐々に
distractions: 気を散らすもの ;
back-to-back: 連続して – 休憩なしで続けて行うこと;
lecture-heavy classes: 講義が多い授業 ;

Final exam season is approaching for Japanese university students. Many students become very busy preparing for their tests and may feel like they don’t have enough time. Here are some tips for managing your time effectively as a student.

Break Up Study Time:
Instead of studying one subject for 3 hours straight, break it into shorter sessions over several days. This helps you learn better.
Mix Different Subjects: Study different subjects in one session to stay fresh. Don’t study similar subjects back-to-back (like two languages) to avoid confusion.
Know How Much to Study: For every hour in class, study 1 to 2 hours outside of class. Adjust this based on how hard the course is.
Increase Study Time Slowly: Gradually study more by setting weekly goals until you reach your ideal study time.
Make a Smart Schedule: Plan your study time based on each course. For lecture-heavy classes, review notes daily. For classes requiring participation, review just before class. Study your toughest subjects when you’re most awake and have fewer distractions.
Include Flexibility: Leave some open study time each week for unexpected events or extra review. This helps you stay on track even when plans change.
