2011年6月28日「モバイル英語学習」第101号(英語エッセイ-音声付け!): Love It or Hate It

Notes :
equivalent: 同等のもの,相当物;
Marmite: 《商標》マーマイト(英国製の、イーストと野菜エキスのペースト;パンに塗ったり調味料にする);
nutritious: 栄養のある,健康に良い;
bring up: ~を育てる;
extract: 抽出した物、エキス;
Perhaps the least well-known of Japanese foods is natto. Everyone has heard of sushi, tempura, and wasabi but very few have heard of natto. This is probably for a very good reason: it tastes…well, it’s hard to describe. It is a food that many would describe as a “love it or hate it food”. Oddly enough, there is perhaps a foreign equivalent, a food that some people really love and others can’t stand. It is called Marmite. Like natto, Marmite is known for its very distinctive taste which can be described having a strong, slightly salty flavour. Like natto it is also very nutritious and many children in the UK are brought up on it. It contains yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract and vitamins: B1, B2. (by Prof. Simon Smith)