2024年1月27日「モバイル英語学習」第817号 (英語ストーリー): Momotatro Story in English

float 浮かぶ;
ogre 鬼;
pheasant キジ;
ever after 末永く幸せに:

Once upon a time, an old man and woman found a big peach floating in the river. They took it home and cut it open. Inside, they found a baby boy! They named him Momotaro, which means “Peach Boy.”

Momotaro grew strong and brave. One day, he wanted to fight the ogres on a faraway island. His parents gave him dumplings for the journey.

On his way, Momotaro met a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant. He shared his dumplings with them. They became his friends and helped him.

They went to the ogres’ island and fought the ogres. They won and took the treasure. Momotaro and his friends went home as heroes. They lived happily ever after.