2024年3月20日「モバイル英語学習」第823 号(英語のエッセイ): Overtourism in Japan

vandalism 芸術の故意の破壊(行為)、暴力行為;
strain (心身の)緊張,力み;

Overtourism in Tokyo and other big Japanese cities has become a big problem, especially after COVID-19. Places like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka are now very crowded. This has led to issues like vandalism and disrespectful behavior from tourists​​. The overcrowding is putting a strain on the city services and making life harder for locals.

To fix this, Japan is promoting less-visited areas to spread out the tourists. They are investing in better infrastructure and making rules to protect important cultural sites​. For example, Kyoto has limited access to some residential areas and sacred places to cut down on disruptions​​. Local communities are now more involved in managing tourism to make sure it helps both the economy and the people living there​ .

These efforts aim to balance the good economic effects of tourism with practices that are sustainable. By doing this, Japan hopes to lessen the bad impacts of overtourism and build a stronger, more resilient tourism industry that benefits everyone in the long run.