2024年12月28日「モバイル英語学習」第858号 (英語エッセイ): Wisdom in Sports Competitions

wisdom – 知恵;
strategy – 戦略;
tournament- トーナメント;
adapt -適応する
unpredictable -予測不可能
intense -激しい

Success in sports isn’t just about strength or speed—it’s also about wisdom and strategy. Whether you’re in a school sports club or competing in tournaments, keep these key points in mind:

(1) Use the Rules Wisely: Play fair and follow the rules. At the same time, understand them deeply so you can use them to your advantage.
(2) Play to Your Strengths: Know what you’re good at and use those skills effectively. Observe your opponent’s moves and plan your strategy carefully.
(3) Adapt to Change: Sports can be unpredictable. Think quickly, stay flexible, and make smart decisions in challenging situations.
(4) Stay Calm Under Pressure: Competitions can be intense. Don’t let emotions take over—stay focused, stick to your plan, and give your best performance.

True success in sports isn’t just about physical ability but also about using your mind wisely in every play.

2024年12月21日「モバイル英語学習」第857号 (英語エッセイ): Winter Solstice (2024)

Winter Solstice 冬至;
Northern Hemisphere 北半球;
yuzu bath 柚子湯;
fragrant 香りのよい、芳しい;
southernmost 最南端の;
kabocha squash 南瓜);

Today is the Winter Solstice , the shortest day and longest night of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, this day usually falls on December 21st or 22nd.

In Matsue City, Japan, the sun rises at 7:08 AM and sets at 4:54 PM, providing about 9 hours and 46 minutes of daylight. This happens because the sun reaches its southernmost point in the sky, marking the official start of winter.

Even with the long night, Japan’s traditions bring warmth and comfort to this day. Many people take a yuzu bath, adding fragrant yuzu citrus fruits to hot water. This tradition is believed to prevent colds and keep the body warm during the chilly season.

Another cherished custom is eating kabocha squash. This bright, hearty vegetable symbolizes health and good fortune. It’s also considered a source of strength for the cold winter months ahead.

These simple yet meaningful traditions bring families together. The Winter Solstice serves as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and appreciate moments of warmth and togetherness.