I feel like a new person
→ 気分がリフレッシュしたという意味で、「新しい人間になった」わけではありません。
I’m not a morning person
→ 「朝が苦手」という意味で、「朝に人間じゃない」という意味ではありません。
She’s a people person
→ 社交的で人付き合いが上手な人を指します。「人の人」ではありません。
He’s the go-to person
→ 「頼りにされる人」のことで、「行く人」ではありません。
He’s a person of few words
→ 「口数が少ない人」を意味します。「少ない言葉の人」ではありません。
Recently, two big meetings were held in South America. APEC was held in Peru, and G20 was in Brazil. These groups might sound similar, but they are actually very different. Let me explain.
APEC, or Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, focuses on trade and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. It has 21 members, including Japan, China, and the United States. These countries work together to make trade easier, so businesses can grow and people can benefit. APEC is all about helping neighbors in this part of the world work as a team.
G20, or the Group of Twenty, is different. It looks at the world as a whole and tries to solve big problems, like climate change, health crises, and financial issues. Members of G20 include large economies like Brazil, India, and Germany. It’s not just about one region—it’s about everyone.
Both groups meet once a year. APEC takes turns hosting meetings among its members, following a set order. G20 also rotates its hosts. While APEC is about local teamwork, G20 is about finding solutions for the whole world. Both are important, but in different ways.