2011年11月14日「モバイル英語学習」第116号(エッセイ): Pensioner Riots

Notes :
riot 暴動;
frustrated with~ ~に失望した,いらいらした;
spoof video パロディービデオ;
anti-social 反社会的な;
In July 2011 the London Riots showed how young people have become frustrated with lack of job opportunities. But does rioting help their cause? Well, a gang of pensioners in London were shown on video getting drunk, spraying graffiti and vandalising cars after drinking. They were also shown throwing eggs at houses. It was a spoof video by police in the UK to show how pointless and silly anti-social behaviour really is. One of the actors in the video said; “Hopefully people will look at it and see how silly rioting and bad behaviour really is.” The video can be seen on You Tube and shows how humour can teach us many things about ourselves. (by Prof. Simon Smith)