describe A as B AをBと呼ぶ;
big reader 本をたくさん読む人;
podcast ポッドキャスト(ラジオ番組やトークショーなどを提供しているウェブサイトから音声ファイルをiPodなどの携帯音楽プレイヤーに取り込んで聴くことができる技術);
broadcasting (テレビやラジオの)放送;
I like to run, so I guess you could call me a runner. I also love books, so I would describe myself as a big reader or a book worm. I also like to listen to podcasts so what am I? I am a podcast listener! But what is a podcast? Well, the term podcast was originally derived from ‘ipod’ and ‘broadcasting’ and was added to the New Oxford American Dictionary in 2005. They are great for listening to recorded radio programmes or even learning English ( Check this out!
(by Prof. Simon Smith)