2010年7月12日「モバイル英語学習」49第号(エッセイ): The Age of Austerity

austerity 質素(な生活);
comforts 快適さ;
luxury 贅沢さ;
austere 質素な;
your own packed lunch 自分で詰めた弁当;
barley (穀物の)オオムギ;
new gadget 新しい製品;
A word that seems to have been in all the newspapers recently is austerity which means “lacking comforts or luxuries”. Although it sounds pretty severe, being a little austere is not a bad thing. In fact for most students austerity is essential; so here is a list of my favorite ways to save money:
1. Make your own packed lunch.
2. Do your shopping after 8pm and get the reduced priced items.
3. Don’t buy books, borrow them from the library.
4. Make your own barley water instead of buying it.
And with all the money you save you can buy that new gadget that you wanted but thought you could never afford! (by Prof. Simon Smith)