jubilee (25 年・50 年・60 年・75 年などの)記念祭;
Paddington Bear くまのパディントン(Paddington Bear)は、イギリスの作家マイケル・ボンドの児童文学作品に登場する架空のクマのキャラクター;
There were celebrations all over Britain this weekend. Queen Elizabeth II has been Queen of Great Britain for 70 years, and people crowded in front of Buckingham Palace to see her and her family. This anniversary is called the Platinum Jubilee. It is her fourth jubilee. The first one was the Silver Jubilee that celebrated her first 25 years. Then came the Golden Jubilee at the 50-year-mark and the Diamond Jubilee at the 60-year-mark. This year, the Queen surprised and delighted everyone by appearing in a short video with Paddington Bear. Paddington makes many funny mistakes, but Queen Elizabeth gets the last laugh. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)