2022年9月8日「モバイル英語学習」第751号 (英語ストーリー): A scary story (1): the selfie (Part 1)

selfie 自撮り;
snap (…を)パチンと鳴らす;
mutter (低いはっきりしない声で)つぶやく;

“Can’t wait to see you all tonight!” Cameron typed into her cell phone, sending the message to her friends.

Selfies were one of Cameron’s hobbies. She was always sending pictures of herself to her friends and family and tonight was no different. Although she would see her friends in just a few hours, she was already receiving updates from each of them.

Pointing the camera towards herself, she snapped a photo. Before sending the picture, Cameron decided to check the photo to make sure her hair was okay and that there was nothing stuck in her teeth.

“Huh, that’s strange,” Cameron muttered to herself. In a corner of the picture, a dark shadow covered up the ends of her long hair on one side. Although the sun was quickly setting, the lights in her room were quite bright. Looking behind her and confirming that no shadow was there, Cameron decided to smile extra big and take a second photo. (by Prof. Michael Okamoto. To be continued)