be addicted to 中毒になる,夢中になる;
hooked on 中毒になる、夢中になる;
class ~(as…)~を…とみなす;
on the basis of ~に基づいて;
moody 気分の変わりやすい,憂鬱な;
irritable 怒りっぽい;
attempt to ~を試みる;
Latest research has shown that people addicted to the web have brain changes similar to those hooked on drugs or alcohol. Experts in China carried out brain scans of 35 men and women aged between 14 and 21. Seventeen of them were classed as having internet addiction disorder (IAD) on the basis of answering yes to questions such as, “Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop Internet use?” Other questions included: “ Do you feel restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop internet use?” This is not the first, and certainly not the last, of many more studies to come that will show that computers are not only changing the world, but also our bodies and brains.(by Prof. Simon Smith)